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Quiz: Love is Still Around You

Valentine’s Day is gone, thank goodness!

One thing I learned over my five and a half years of being widowed is that love is still present in my life, only in different ways. Some of it was always here, but I didn't feel the beauty of it as much when I was smothered (in such a good way) by Eric's love.

Grief can make it easy to focus on what’s missing, but love doesn’t disappear—it transforms.

This quiz will help you recognize the love that still surrounds you, even as you carry your beloved in your heart.

When was the last time someone showed you kindness?

A. Today—someone reached out or did something thoughtful.

B. Recently—I can think of a kind moment.

C. I’m not sure, but I know kindness is around me.

D. It feels like it’s been a while.

Who in your life makes you feel cared for?

A. A close friend or family member.

B. My children or grandchildren.

C. A neighbor, church member, or someone in my community.

D. My pet—they love me unconditionally.

In what ways do you feel love from your beloved, even though they are gone?

A. Through memories that bring warmth and comfort.

B. When I see signs or reminders of them.

C. When I continue something they valued or enjoyed.

D. I struggle to feel their love, but I want to.

Have you felt love from yourself lately?

A. Yes, I’ve been gentle with myself and practicing self-care.

B. Sometimes, but I could do more to show myself kindness.

C. I don’t think about self-love often.

D. No, I’ve been hard on myself.

If someone were to describe how you give love, what would they say?

A. I offer encouragement and support to those around me.

B. I show love by taking care of others.

C. I express love in small, thoughtful gestures.

D. I’m not sure—I haven’t felt like I’ve given much love lately.

What small act of love could you give today?

A. A kind text or call to someone I care about.

B. Doing something thoughtful for a friend, neighbor, or stranger.

C. Taking care of myself in a way that feels comforting.

D. Just allowing myself to acknowledge love without guilt.

When was the last time you laughed or felt a sense of joy?

A. Very recently—I’ve had moments of happiness.

B. Occasionally—it comes and goes.

C. It’s been a while, but I’d like to find more joy.

D. I can’t remember the last time.

How do you feel when you think about love in your life right now?

A. I see it in many places, even if it looks different.

B. I know it’s there, but I struggle to feel it sometimes.

C. I feel like I’ve lost so much love.

D. Love feels distant, and I don’t know how to reconnect with it.

What is one thing that makes you feel comforted?

A. A hug or a kind word from someone who cares.

B. A quiet moment with a warm drink or a cozy space.

C. A reminder of my beloved that brings peace.

D. I’m not sure, but I’d like to find something.

If love could speak to you today, what do you think it would say?

A. "You are deeply loved, even when you don’t feel it."

B. "Love hasn’t left you—it’s just taken a new shape."

C. "You are allowed to receive love in new and unexpected ways."

D. "You are not alone."


Take a moment to look at your answers. Love is still around you, even if it feels different now. It’s in the kindness of others, the warmth of memories, and the quiet ways you take care of yourself. Even on the hardest days, love remains.

If this quiz helped you notice love in a new way, consider writing down one small thing you can do this week to lean into that love—whether it's reaching out, embracing self-care, or simply recognizing the love that is already present.

I would love to know if this sparked anything for you. Email me and let me know if I should do more quizzes.

Love you guys, my widow friends!


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