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Navigating the school year as a widow: Help for widows with school-aged children

Click here to sign up and receive a PDF on surviving the school year without your spouse.

Widows need a guide, don't we? We need help with so many things because our lives basically ended when our spouse died. I mean they ended because all of our hopes, plans, helps, support, encouragement, --all the things-- left when he or she did.

Are you looking for some help surviving the school year? You've come to the right place!

Listen to my Facebook Live 13 minute seminar that discusses resources for widows raising children and doing the school year alone, click below to listen.

I have the tip sheet for you so you don't have to take notes. Just type "tips" into the Facebook chat bar and I will send it to you!

Or if you don't want to watch, just click here and you will receive a PDF. You will also be added to my email address where I discuss all kinds of issues widows face.

Take a deep breath. I have voyaged over five school years and I am passionate about sharing my widow school year survival tips.

Let's talk about some triggers.

  • First day of school pictures

  • Back to school night

  • Filling out emergency and other paperwork

  • Pick up and drop off

  • Back to school shopping

  • Conferences

  • Homework support

Have you had any moments yet?

Single parenting as a widow or as I like to say, "only parenting as a widow" takes some adjusting. You can do it though.

Do you know how I know you can? Because I did, and I still do.

Each event you go to gets a little better, a little stronger, a little more experienced with what works for you.

Come back and visit this post and my blog for support for widows during the school year. I discuss coping with the holidays, how to memorialize anniversaries, and much more.

Feel free to email me any time if you want to share a victory, whine (no problem), or if you need help brainstorming through a problem.



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